From pastel pinks to vivid yellows, we've got beautiful Roses in just about every colour
We’ve got everything you need
People come from all over the southeast to buy Roses from Brookside Garden Centre. We've got bush, carpet, climbing, patio and standard varieties in a range of soft and vibrant colours. We source our Roses from quality growers too, like Whartons, so you know they’ll last

Home Florist Roses
These stunning blooms last longer than the average and are ideal to cut and place indoors. With a choice of colours, you'll be talking about these Roses to everyone
Come to Brookside Garden Centre for:
Roses for every type of garden
Choose from a variety of stunning colours and styles
The right chemicals and nutrients for your Roses
Keep your Roses bug-free and healthy with a range of products like Rose Clear and Multirose
Free advice
Talk to our Rose experts for advice on how to get the best from your plants